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Four strategies for refreshing your financial situation

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

Kickstart your financial spring cleaning with these essential steps:

  1. Obtain a Free Credit Report: Annually, you’re entitled to a complimentary credit report from the three major consumer reporting agencies—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Reviewing your credit report for inaccuracies is crucial, particularly if you’re planning significant purchases such as a home. Utilize our checklist to identify what to scrutinize in your report. Consider setting a reminder to periodically check your credit throughout the year. You might stagger these requests, getting one report every four months, to continuously monitor your credit status. Additionally, you can access free reports from nationwide specialty consumer reporting companies every 12 months. These firms compile information on your employment history, medical payments, check writing history, and insurance claims.

  2. Tackle Your Debt: Ignoring overdue debts can exacerbate your financial strain. Start by cataloging your debts using tools like our bill tracker to keep due dates in check. Reach out to lenders for possible payment adjustments that align better with your income schedule or inquire about extended repayment plans to ease your financial burden.

  3. Audit Your Spending: Unexpected charges on your credit card statement can be alarming. Take time to review your recent credit card transactions to differentiate between essential and discretionary spending. Establishing simple financial rules, such as using cash for minor purchases, can help maintain your budgeting discipline.

  4. Automate Your Savings: After evaluating your budget, you might identify new ways to augment your savings. Setting up a portion of your paycheck to directly deposit into a savings account can steadily build your reserves. Explore options with your employer for paycheck splitting or arrange for automatic transfers from your checking to your savings account with your banking institution. Even using a prepaid card can help you earmark funds for savings.

Remember, an emergency fund of around $500 is a solid initial target, covering most

unforeseen expenses like car repairs or urgent travel. Building this fund can protect you

from financial upheaval during unexpected situations.

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